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WTC 2017 in Beijing

來源:  華匯儀器   作者:  D. Hosner   時(shí)間:  2017-09-19  點(diǎn)擊:   1634 次
From 2017-09-18 to 2017-09-22 the 6th World Tribology Congress (WTC) takes place in Beijing, China. Lanzhou Huahui Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.  (Huahui) is attending to present their instruments to the interested national and international experts and visitors.

"The objective of this congress is to highlight recent important progess in all aspects of tribology and strenghen the links between academia and industry by exploring various researches on fundamental and applied Tribology." Source: WTC 2017, programme.

1500 experts from 51 countries are attending the conference.

Beijing International Convention Center. Photo: D. Hosner

Venue, entrance hall. Photo: D. Hosner

Experts at the Huahui stand. Photo: D. Hosner

Mr. Hua is talking to experts. Photo: D. Hosner

Huahui stand outside. Photo: D. Hosner

Huahui stand inside. Photo: D. Hosner

MS-VHT1000 (High Temperature/Vacuum). Photo: D. Hosner 

MS-HT1000 (High Temperature).. Photo: D. Hosner      

HS-BT12000 (High Speed Bearing Tester). Photo: D. Hosner

Talking with a foreign expert. Photo: D. Hosner

Mr. Hua talks to Mr. Liu Weimin. Photo: D. Hosner

Group photo. Photo: D. Hosner   


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